2 shots of a rock


TPF Noob!
Apr 22, 2008
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Not sure which one I like better:



I vote for the first one, gives a real sense of the water rushing towards you.
I agree with the two above, the first one just jumps out at you
i cant decide....#1 is so artistic,really beautiful,but #2 is more real to life,as how you would remember the shot.....but if i were to hang it on my wall, it would have to be #1
i vote #1 just b/c of the water...i personally don't care for the rest of the photo, but nice water. just my opinion, however. maybe if the colors were more vibrant, a touch brighter may persuade me differently.
i vote #1 just b/c of the water...i personally don't care for the rest of the photo, but nice water. just my opinion, however. maybe if the colors were more vibrant, a touch brighter may persuade me differently.

I really only like the water
The style in number 1 has become a cliché and those that are into this type of shot have changed their approach accordingly. A polarizer is used along with a shutterspeed that is in between #1 and #2, as in not as fast as number 2, but not as slow as number 1. The emphasis is on showing a hint of texture and water surface at the bottom.

Definitely number one. Shows the movement of the water really well, and I like how you can see the rock through it. The colors are a bit flat, however.
I'm sorry for asking, but how do you do that? I've tried to figure that out at a waterfall myself, but was not successful.
I would say #1, if possible to reshoot, with a little shorter of a shutter speed? I find the brightness of the water towards the bottom very distracting.

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