35mm pinhole


TPF Noob!
Feb 1, 2006
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in the middle of north carolina
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as promised the image from a 35mm pinhole camera not what I
would like but about what I expected. At least it didn't cost but a buck
regular 35mm black and white film. Might have been a little better in color actually.
The camera was a very cheap junk store point and shoot plastic piece of er er garbage, but it was idea for this. I just drilled out the old lens and shutter then added my pin holer thing to the front of it. without the frame that is. Then I had to enlarge the openion in the camera body it just wasn't getting enough of the image through. If I was going to do it again (which I most likely am not) I would open the image way up some more. It doesn't quite cover the frame yet.

The problem is even with a reasonable depth of field it isnt a good image. Oh well. I have a smaller drill bit on the way. I just might give it one more try.
Sure, try it again with the smaller drill bit. :thumbup: Try color, too, just for fun.

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