A few Orthopterans


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Apr 10, 2010
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#1 Find me! Scroll down for answer
Chorotypus sp. IMG_3880 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

Pseudophyllinae katydid nymph, face to face.
Pseudophyllinae katydid IMG_3905 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

Pseudophyllinea nymph, profile
Pseudophyllinae katydid IMG_3901 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

#4 Pseudophyllinae, adult of the same species as above, I think.
Pseudophyllinae katydid IMG_3914 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

#5 Dragon-head katydid, Lesina sp.
Lesina sp. IMG_3864 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

#6 Dragon-head katydid, Lesina sp., full body shot.
Lesina sp. IMG_3834 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

The answer to #1. Dead leaf grasshopper, Chorotypus sp.
Chorotypus sp. IMG_3869 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

The same Dead leaf grasshopper, Chorotypus sp., front view. Yes, it's wavy shaped.
Chorotypus sp. IMG_3874 copy by Kurt (orionmystery.blogspot.com), on Flickr

More Orthopterans of Malaysia: Orthopterans of Malaysia | Up Close with Nature
I had to look because I didn't know what an orthopteran is ( apparently neither does my spell checker haha). I found the dead leaf guy right away because of the leg. I always enjoy your posts. Thanks.
I had to look because I didn't know what an orthopteran is ( apparently neither does my spell checker haha). I found the dead leaf guy right away because of the leg. I always enjoy your posts. Thanks.

Thanks, Brian. You're good. Some of my facebook friends couldn't find it :D
I also noticed the leg.

These are absolutely beautiful photos.
Great shots, as always. I also saw him in the first photo but ONLY because my browser went to the middle of the thread first so I saw them in reverse order.
Amazing. I'm always fascinated with the macro world.

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