"...a frivolous beauty whim it befits." -- J.W.von Goethe


Been spending a lot of time on here!
Nov 27, 2011
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St. Louis
Can others edit my Photos
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Got enlisted today by my better half to work in the garden... weeding and pruning and mowing and weeding and raking and hauling and.... But thankfully Spring blooms surrounded me as I toiled and I was able to take a few breaks and grab my camera. The narcissus patch was looking especially pretty it's vanity on display.


Nice shot, my only "nit" is that I think the flowers in the background tend to draw the viewer's eye away from the main subject. I would try and crop out the background flowers and see how the edited image looks.

All the others felt so inadequate by comparison, they turned away...

Nice. Clean and simple.
Awesome picture. How did you get that bright white.
Awesome picture. How did you get that bright white.

A couple beers and Photoshop.

Thanks, glad you like the photo. Those narcissus flowers really are pure white. Yesterday afternoon was back and forth sun/cloudy. I waited for the clouds and took the photo as metered by the camera. I processed the photo through Capture 1 with only a slight bump in contrast and white balanced off the flower petals. I cropped it in PS and then I used Threshold to create a mask for the flowers. With the mask in place on a dupe layer I used a Multiply blend to darken everything but the flowers. So the white of the flowers appears that much whiter relative to the surrounding.

In the sober light of this morning I see the heavy hand of those beers from last night.



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