Baby, life ain't roses.


TPF Noob!
Jan 20, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
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This is actually a re-edit of a picture i posted earlier. This is a very close and dear friend of mine. Feedback would be awesome but i don't really expect any. Thanks for looking.
Very grabbing. Nice lighting and color. The only thing that bugs me are the bent-rod-type-things on the left. I can't figure out what they are.

Is there a story behind it?
loves it.

Thank you very much, you just made my day.

Very grabbing. Nice lighting and color. The only thing that bugs me are the bent-rod-type-things on the left. I can't figure out what they are.

Is there a story behind it?

The yellow things are part of a tube that shoots compressed air i believe. I think the story speaks for itself.

HoboSykeis she a junkie?
No, it's a "he".
very nice shot!
As I used to say: It doesn't matter what you look like on the outside, it's what's on the inside.
This is the best piece of work that I have seen from you thus far!

It definitely speaks for itself.
whoa, this is a great shot. the eye contact is great, its like hes staring at me when i look at it. made me feel a little weird but excellent shot all together.

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