Bison on Ice


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Jul 16, 2015
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Or, more accurately- ice on bison.
I was expecting a cocktail. Man, the creature is blue from the cold. A very nice shot. Thank you for sharing ... I suspect you were turning blue as well.
I was expecting a cocktail. Man, the creature is blue from the cold. A very nice shot. Thank you for sharing ... I suspect you were turning blue as well.
Ha ha- kept the windows rolled down to minimize the temp change to the camera from shot to shot. Ch-ch-chilly!!!
Nice shot is it wild?
Technically, all bison are wild. Even if they are confined to a fenced pasture at a farm. Bison have not made the evolutionary jump to domestication like cattle.
A really unpleasant morning. Atmosphere was a bit frozen.

For that matter, so was the road on the way to the bison. That 'dirt road' on the right was pretty much a skating rink. You can't rollerskate in a buffalo herd, but you can ice skate, I promise.... has been COLD all over the Northern Hemisphere this January of 2017. Winds of up to 150 kilometers per hour in France. 225,000 French without electrictity due to wind and ice; the coldest January temps here and the most snow in 20 years's time; ski resorts in Calfiornia closing because of too much snow making the roads and the operations of the resorts impossible, and so on. That makes this ice-encrusted bison a great symbol of this bitter winter.
Very nice! Being a fair weather photographer, I haven't been out shooting since before Christmas.
Nice shot is it wild?
Technically, all bison are wild. Even if they are confined to a fenced pasture at a farm. Bison have not made the evolutionary jump to domestication like cattle.
When I got out of the truck and was closer to her calf than she was- momma gave me the big-time skunk eye. SLOWLY backed myself into the truck again...
Very nice! Being a fair weather photographer, I haven't been out shooting since before Christmas.
Nicely done. has been COLD all over the Northern Hemisphere this January of 2017. Winds of up to 150 kilometers per hour in France. 225,000 French without electrictity due to wind and ice; the coldest January temps here and the most snow in 20 years's time; ski resorts in Calfiornia closing because of too much snow making the roads and the operations of the resorts impossible, and so on. That makes this ice-encrusted bison a great symbol of this bitter winter.
Thanks, guys- I think it was Woody Allen who said that 80% of success is just showing up. As I ventured out in the pre-dawn dark in sub-freezing weather over a sheet of ice- this quote rang quite true!

With all due respect to the bison, I really wish we'd had blowing snow as the image would have been even better- but maybe another day...
Buddy of mine looked at the OP and suggested b/w.

Instead, I just warmed the colors until it approaches 'sepia' treatment.

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