Child Portrait: 3 yr old


TPF Noob!
Aug 7, 2007
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North Bay California
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Today I took my 3 yr old with me to scout out new locations for an upcoming session (I'm looking for alternatives to parks). I went down to RR Square and took this shot under a cart.

Does this work? What can I do different to make it better?

C&C welcome please.

You have some really beautiful kids!! =)

I really like the shot, I think the eyes are a tad soft, I would maybe sharpen them just a little and dodge the catchlights a little.

I would like to say that I'm on my in-laws computer and so the monitor could be waaay off, if so, I apologize.
You have some really beautiful kids!! =)

I really like the shot, I think the eyes are a tad soft, I would maybe sharpen them just a little and dodge the catchlights a little.

I would like to say that I'm on my in-laws computer and so the monitor could be waaay off, if so, I apologize.
you are so sweet :) Don't let her cute looks fool you though :lol: Underneath it all she has horns. She did manage to cooperate for me today thank goodness.

I think you are right about the eyes. I will sharpen them and post a new pic. Thanks for the feed back

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