do you ever have dreams about characters from TV or movies?

Do musicians count?? I remember that I once dreamed with great clarity about Kurt Cobain, shortly after he died. He came gimping his way in to the medical office where I work and showed a Medicaid card as his insurance. I sneered at him and said, "What's happened to you? You could have been so great, now you're just a loser." He didn't take offense at all, just stared at me. And later on, we were sitting outside at a little table, drinking a couple beers. The mood was very laid back, and we had an easy conversation. Then I woke up.

I also once dreamed I was hiding in the studio when the Beatles were recording "Abbey Road". I clearly heard Paul McCartney tell John Lennon, "No mate, that's not what I want at all right there." They were all there, playing, arguing and laughing. And I was hunkered down, frozen and terrified of being discovered and thrown out.

That is probably one of the best dreams I ever had, even though I was scared during it. :heart:

Really, I don't dream all that often that I remember them that well.
I'll admit i've had some wierd dreams but after reading this lot of posts i've come to the conclusion that maybe i need to get out more! :lol: :lol:
Off the subject but....Terri, do you have a pug? Just curious. I have one and he's the best! Some potty training issues but other than that he's a good one..
Yes, Crystalview - the dignified animal you see here is named Odin.... from the Norse (I think?) God in mythology.

No real issues of any kind, he is the best little guy!! His tongue does not fit in his mouth, apparently. This photo is not an aberration: this is how he looks. When he sleeps, it sort of lays on the carpet and shrivels, like a little piece of bacon. :heart:
we had a pug named BJ (bojangles) until the day before mother's day this year. he died. well, we had him put to sleep anyway. he was old for a pug (about 11 years) and he'd always had really bad allergies and stuff. he was almost totally blind and we think he had a stroke a few days before we put him down cause half his face looked all limp and he was having a hard time lapping up water. the day he died he wasn't responding to us at all. he was just lying there taking these quick, shallow breaths and sweating a lot. my mom still beats herself up about it and says "what if we'd waited and he'd gotten better." she thinks she had him murdered.

i miss him. :cry:

i probably just depressed a bunch of people. i'll move along...

on a lighter pug-related note, i want to get a black pug some day. i'm going to name him shaft. then i can say stupid things like "need a hole? he can dig it!"
aw....that's actually a sweet story, 'lita.... 11 years IS old for a pug. Odin is already going on 3. I got him from a couple who were divorcing and neither of them could have a pet in their respective "new" homes, but I've known him since he could fit inside my hand....I believe he was meant to be mine all along, really. Other people had him housebroken, and paid to have him neutered and his baby shots and stuff. So I got the sweet end of the deal. :wink:

Except, you know, the cat hates him. :LOL:

There's a black pug up the road from us, and when we go for walks up that way, he and Odin bark at each other furiously. It's very cute. :heart:
Nightstick? :shock: you want his nightstick? :shock: I was thinking more along the lines of his handcuffs,(After all who doesn't want a pair of hand cuffs) or perhaps (since its a cop show) you just wanted to be part of his weekly life and death struggle to capture the bad guys...... I said nothing about his night stick. :shock: :shock:

And who hasn't had the dream of Kelso giving you a sponge bath, I try to have that dream at least once a week.....

P.S. I am the Elf! LOL 8)

P.P.S. Milla is hot in the 5th Element 8)

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