Eliza and Nick

Really awesome idea! Flash looks a little too bright on my monitor though and could have been cool if you had gelled the flash to match the ambient, (more blue), or the opposite just so it doesn't look as white! You could probably get that effect in post processing too actually..
Good work overall though!

It was actually gelled at 3700K to get the cold blue sky. It's so to create a vulnerable and cold feel to it, yet he's there to hold and comfort her. :semi-twins:
Whoa whoa ... just the idea, not the image itself! LOL

hahaha... you can steal the idea away.

Theft is the highest form of flattery, LOL.

you played it all wrong you should have gone for that checkered umbrella ;)

I went on Amazon and got myself a clear umbrella. :D
And here I was envisioning rainbow colored zebra stripes in your next attempt. Way to disappoint a lady. ;-)

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