Favourite Simple Things

One of my favorite simple things is fog. It makes everything look different, look new, gives everything a new feel. Another would be holding something that has a history. I buy a lot of used stuff not because it's cheap, but it's fun to imagine what it's been used for. For example, there's a name carved in the back of my Aires 35-V. I like to wonder what Mr. Bruehl used it to shoot. Or what kinds of evidence my dad shot with what is now my OM-1n. Or what the wife's No. 1 Kodak Jr. was used for, who owned it, etc.
My simple pleases...to hear water running, to feel the wind on my face, to know I woke up for another day :)
A canyon road, an open top and a manual shifter...
Buying cheap books at yard sales. I've got about 50 that I have acquired over the past month that I need to read :)
Buying cheap books at yard sales. I've got about 50 that I have acquired over the past month that I need to read :)

Don't forget, they are also good for adjusting horizons, photographic or otherwise...

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