*** Fight Club *** Round 35 voting!

We have results, and this was a close one

Congrats again, O|||||||O for eking out a victory with 10 votes!

In second was CW Jones with 9 votes,

and in third, Dylan-Fishman with 8 votes.


The Categories:
1. Look.... but don't touch - O|||||||O (3 votes)
2. Evil - O|||||||O (4 votes)
3. In the red - mishele (3 votes)
4. Gritty - CW Jones (5 votes)
5. Happy - Dylan-Fishman (5 votes)

Top 20:1. Chiller - 113.98
2. Chris of Arabia - 96.53
3. Bill19 - 93.06
4. Dylan-Fishman - 91.43
5. CW Jones - 86.14
6. Clawed - 84.52
7. marinaw - 83.65
8. K_Pugh - 81.82
9. clarinetJWD - 80.19
10. O|||||||O - 78.93
11. sunnychelly - 77.14
12. OregonAmy - 76.06
13. mooimeisie - 75.59
14. leighthal - 73.06
15. LaFoto - 72.73
16. Contegni - 72.38
17. Antarctican - 69.99
18. Artograph - 66.65
19. MikeBcos - 65.33
20. MissMia - 64.22
Thanks, everyone!

Congratulations CW Jones and Dylan-Fishman too! Pretty close match this week.

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