Haiku You

Don't kill the big boss.
The big corpse will squash you down.
Gonna be too sad.

In wisdom one swims
As swims a fish in the sea
Wile others just drown.
counting with fingers
memories from the math class
addictive; it is
jocose said:
Egad, a dunce me
I was thinking of line two
You were on line three
I knew what you'd thought.
Yet, I had to point it out
Cause I'm just like that :mrgreen:
booking my room
at the haiku rehab; soon
addictive haiku
danalec99 said:
booking my room
at the haiku rehab; soon
addictive haiku
You must take it slow!
In just small bits and pieces
It will be all right!
jocose said:
Oh my, it's Yoda
Good Jedi, bad at math class
Fingers good they are
Oh yeah, fingers try
right brained, anti-math nut case
lucas, here I come
back home, finally
another day to murder,
for the vacation
ballads may help me
nine to five does not moveth me
this is not my destiny
thank you; you are kind
but let me pass the baton
gimme the ballads

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