Happy Birthday to..........

Thanks for all the Happy Birthday wishes everyone!

Here's how my day went:

Was woken up with a kiss from my handsome boyfriend, and served breakfast in bed! French toast and chocolate milk. It was quite delicious. Then we spent most of the day just hanging out at his house together. For my birthday gift, he is going to enlarge two of my photos for me (haven't decided on which...I might wait til I have something I think is enlargement worthy), and he's going to matte them for me. He took me out to dinner in the evening, and we rented a movie on the way home, and we snuggled on the couch for the rest of the night. :goodvibes: It was a great birthday!
How come everyday it shows PlasticSpanner having a birthday???? Today they are one, the other day they were 18...anyone else noticing this????????

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