Hi from Australia!


TPF Noob!
Dec 25, 2011
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Hi, my name is Rebecca, or Bec - I have been a long time fan of simply "taking photos", I wouldn't call myself a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination but I would like to think I can take some pretty nice ones sometimes! I've usually only ever used crappy digital cameras and more recently my iPhone via instagram to take and share my photos, but for Christmas Santa brought me a "proper" camera, a Nikon J1. I'm very excited and have wanted a DLSR camera for a while now. I am however, a massive photography noob! When someone says "aperture" I think "Aperture Science and Laboratories" from Portal... so hopefully I can learn and change that! One thing I'm dying to figure out is how to change the shutter speed on my Nikon J1 so I can take some flight shots of my favourite subjects; my two pet conures. So if anyone knows how to do that, that would be fantastic! :p

I've already started reading the "Camera Terms for Dummies" thread, which is perfect for me! lol.

Here are the very first photos I took on Christmas morning with the basic lens/settings - I think they turned out quite nice and bright! I can't wait to learn more and take even nicer photos. I got the Nikon J1 that comes with the basic lens plus one that is bigger and zooms in even further, sorry - that's as best I can explain! haha.


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Welcome to the forum. Its a great place to learn how to use your new Nikon.
Welcome, Bec nice birds ! and nice shots !
Hi Rebecca,

Welcome to the forum
I'm not sure many here are going to be able to help you much with the j1, as I think you're the first person here to get it.

I'll say this politely before someone else on here is a dick about it: read your manual before asking questions here. If you can't find the answer in the manual, try google. If you can't find it in either place, come here and state where you looked with no results, and then everyone here will do their best to help you. We just get sick of answering the same questions over and over again because people are too lazy to look in the manual.

Also, I hate to burst your bubble, but the j1 is NOT a dslr camera, it's a mirror less camera, which is more or less a point and shoot with interchangeable lenses. That's not to say it not capable of professional photos, but it's going to have limitations.

I suspect your shutter speed will have to be changed in a menu somewhere which will get old fast.

But enjoy the new camera, it really is a great little camera, just not what most of us on here are used to, so we may not be a ton of help for camera specific questions
So, I was dying to figure out the same thing. This is a relatively new camera to the scene so it's quite a bit difficult to find too technical of information. In addition, the Owner's Manual for this camera is quite lacking in my opinion.Anyways! I found the answer in a review done by PC Magazine (I think). You can adjust shutter speed while in A and M mode (hit Menu > Exposure Mode > "A" or "M" > exit out of the Menu) and toggle the Zoom switch located at the top right corner of the back of the camera. Pretty simple and easy to do, albeit not very intuitive. In Nikon's defense, I am LOVING this camera!Hope this helps, Bec.
Oops. I meant "S" or "M" mode. Apparently, this Zoom switch toggles a couple things depending on the situation...

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