I am bored, so...

Not making a better college/education choice earlier on. I started down a path that didn't work out and basically had to go back and start over. Wish I would have got it right the first time and not wasted all the extra time.
i would erase any illnesses i had as a child.

I would also choose to do school over again correctly. And meet a woman who wasnt a predator posing as a housepet.

I regret having ice cream & chokky sause for breakfast this morning (see Chase I told you it was bad).

But seriously, there's not that much I regret yet. I'm still only a youngin. Although I am a bit sad I haven't fully profited from my time overseas. I was so bursting with energy of things to do and see here when I arrived, but I got lazy and stopped doing them all and just worked and studied. I wish I'd joined the softball team, the orchestra and the hiking groups... but I just never got around to it. Now I've only got a month left. :-( But I'll get over it. I tend to regret things for a day, then move on.
I can't say I have any, really. Even though I didn't complete college right out of high school I feel I have learned a lot more since going back as an adult.

I can't say I regret getting married and having children, followed by a divorce because without my ex-husband I wouldn't have my boys.

Perhaps the only thing I regret is staying in an unhappy marriage for so long because I believed that I was "unlovable" as I was told. I believed that somehow I could make my ex-husband love me, but I could not. I could not be the person he wanted and in the end that's okay because what I have now is so much better, so I can't regret that either.

Guess the only thing I can regret is having orange juice with breakfast because now I have heartburn.
fadingaway1986 said:
Hmm. everyones regrets have something to do with breakfast?
:lol: Not me! I guess my main regret is taking so long to get back to my artistic side. I got pulled away by the busy-ness of being wife/mom/job/house - I really left no time for myself. I haven't been unhappy, just bored and drifting. The last several years have definitely been the best. But nothing is more irksome to me than wasted time!

And I love making big old breakfasts whenever I can. :mrgreen:
I guess a regret would be not finishing school sooner. Things are working out pretty good anyway.

And putting away photography as long as I did.
I regret that I only had two small peices of French Toast for Breakfast, while I should have had the four that I made Erik. My tummy is growling.
I regret that I went too hard when I started a new weight training program this week. I have been suffering some heavy DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). I can barely get out of bed or straighten my arms. Feel the burn :roll:
I certainly do not regret having had my first son at only 20 - those 10 years we had together were precious.

I do regret getting married to his father. (I would have had him without the marriage, actually, he was half-way "done" when we married). That nasty divorce was no nice thing to go through.

I can't say I regret not having finished my first academic career in uni because that would automatically mean also that I regret having had my son at so young.

But sometimes I still wish I had been wiser when I was that young. But youth and wisdom seldom go together... :roll:
well.. .so I think I'll start to regret not starting my highier education connected with photography in October 2005?

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