Instant Critiques!

photo gal said:
Hee Hee, cute! I got "Umm... the metaphorical resonance of the Egyptian motifs threatens to penetrate the exploration of montage elements."
I got that one too! Just like a real critic - limited vocabulary.
:lol: Very cool!

Although I am not a painter, I think that the subaqueous qualities of the figurative-narrative line-space matrix spatially undermines the exploration of montage elements.
and this would be my ZIP code :lmao:

With regard to the issue of content, the internal dynamic of the biomorphic forms endangers the devious simplicity of the eloquence of these pieces.

:lmao: now I'm thinking if this reflects my neighbourhood at all :lmao:
It should be added that the internal dynamic of the sexual signifier contextualize the essentially transitional quality.

Take THAT! :lmao:

That's what MY zip code thinks of your stuff!
Although I am not a painter, I think that the optical suggestions of the biomorphic forms notates the inherent overspecificity.

Hmmmm :er:
Oh zip code, good idea doxx!

As an advocate of the Big Mac Aesthetic, I feel that the aura of the negative space verges on codifying the remarkable handling of light.
Haha, now I can find out all your zipcodes! :p
Actually, I only feel like finding out that Doxx's zipcode starts with 100. ;)
Ok, so here's my "local" critique: With regard to the issue of content, the metaphorical resonance of the sexual signifier brings within the realm of discourse the larger carcass. :)

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