Is it me?

why would they all want a pervert?
You use a pervert to pervert things. It's a bit like a spanner but with a flatter end.
They don't make them anymore so they are difficult to find.
I've resurrected this thread because I found these oddities in my mailbox:

"With kind regards.
mention the pension, list against the wall"

"hingeways, goitrous hydromantically. toploty rushingly eloquently, pistols modestly monomark pseudomaniac, boutonniere shyest --- terebenic nettable whilock, stenostomatous agars gearwheels heliotherapies.. unreadiness onkos"

What does it all mean??????
do this spam email things actual have links in them?
"One on't cross beams gone owt askew on treadle."

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