It was fun to shoot a day game again


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Jan 10, 2014
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Hanson MA
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With the clouds it was almost as dark as a night game but still much better.

THis is the lowest division of HS football in the area so it was close to a 7 on 7 game, One team had 17 players the other had 22.

But they all seemed to enjoy the game so it's all good.

Here we go

Surprisingly this kid bounced right back up, if he didn't I would have trashed the shot.

How to cause a fumble, two shots. 72 is the kid I went to shoot, he is my brother in laws nephews son. He had a real nice game.

A couple others I like, these fall into the not every shot needs to be an action shot catagory.

There are another 100 or so here if anyone cares to look, they had never had someone shoot one of their games so I wanted to get them more shots than I typically would.

2015 Avon-Holbrook Football - C6Bill

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