Just A Couple


TPF Noob!
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Toronto, ON
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I hope this is the right, it certainly seems it..

Anyhoo, just a couple pictures taken with my current camera. Photoshop is the best thing that ever happened to it, as even 5 minutes' work on levels and size makes a picture go from "god-awful" to "meh".

All in good time....

This is a building seen along the Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX

Just though this was a neat perspective shot...the Alamo Fort in San Antonio

Southwark Cathedral in London, England

Taken on the train from Montreal to Toronto, this is somewhere in southwest Quebec

So as you can tell, the quality and size is lacking for them (though I did size them down to make them crisper), and it was actually impossible to change focus, shutter speeds, zoom, etc, so all those are done with a point and click by a definition of the word 'amateur'.
Cheers...#1 and 4 are definately my favourite two of the bunch, and I'll see if I could mess about a little more with the middle two.

Thanks again :)
Oh, I like the last two! Particularly the very last. Wow.
And I think, just THINK, I have a similar photo taken in the Alamo in San Antonio myself way back then, too, and I think I also have a photo of that building in San Antonio. I wonder where those photos are :scratch: ... they are prints, I think. I took prints in 1998 ... no slides ... hmph. :scratch:
I had to do the same, tonyeck, and then came back and they were right here. Do come back and check whether that works for you, too.
LaFoto said:
Oh, I like the last two! Particularly the very last. Wow.
And I think, just THINK, I have a similar photo taken in the Alamo in San Antonio myself way back then, too, and I think I also have a photo of that building in San Antonio. I wonder where those photos are :scratch: ... they are prints, I think. I took prints in 1998 ... no slides ... hmph. :scratch:

Hah...time to dig out the old albums, eh

Glad to hear you liked them...the fourth was my favourite as well
Wow really liked the train one, great use of B&W!

Yeah if I come back once the picture is loaded in a separate browser window, we're ok!
Lensmaster and JJP - Cheers :)

Nitefly...yeah, there's not loading for me either anymore...so basically, don't direct link with DeviantArt :p though if you do want to see them, the link to my profile's in my sig

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