"Just Mom..."


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Aug 2, 2015
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Can others edit my Photos
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ISO 1250
1/160 Sec.
105 mm - f/2.8G


Nothing really special about the shot; other than it's mom...but I really like this image (IMHO), it looks like film to me.

Thanks For Looking Any Comments/Criticism Will Be Appreciated.

ISO 1250
1/160 Sec.
105 mm - f/2.8G

View attachment 162610

Nothing really special about the shot; other than it's mom...but I really like this image (IMHO), it looks like film to me.

Thanks For Looking Any Comments/Criticism Will Be Appreciated.


I appreciate it's a photo of a loved one, but the composition is not very flattering, especially the view up the nostrils! Also, the shallow depth of field, whilst getting the eyes in focus, has lost focus on her front cheek, to a further detriment to the photo.
I agree with the very shallow depth of field being an issue here. It looks like her left eye (image-right) is in focus while the right is already slightly out of focus. I could get past her mouth being out of focus if both eyes were sharp.

The depth of field issue is compounded by the top she is wearing, with its high-contrast dot pattern. Since some of that top is in the plane of focus, the dot pattern of her collar is actually the sharpest/highest contrast part of the image and tries to pull my eye down there. If it were my shot, I think I'd try selectively sharpening her right eye a smidge and blurring her top a bit, to bring the viewer's eyes back to hers.

One technical suggestion...keep in mind that depth of field is not symmetric about the plane of focus. Rather, there is a greater distance from the focal plane away from you than there is toward you. So in this case, had the focus been on her right (near) eye, there is a good chance that her left (far) eye would have also been acceptably sharp.
I love black and white photos & black and white photos of elderly. She is so beautiful to me, especially in this edit. I will agree with these guys that the angle doesn't do her any justice; and the left eye being out of focus but other than that, I find this photo so special. :)

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