Make 3D animations of photos?


TPF Noob!
Mar 19, 2008
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
I'm looking for a software to make short "3D-animations" of a series of photos. I'd like to shoot some (2-6) photos of an object from different angles, run the through a software that will produce simle 3d-looking animation.

Anyone know what software that could do the work for me?

Thanks in advance!
I've dabbled a bit into 3d animation and I don't believe there is any software to do this.

You can use Maya and put the pictures into the workspace and model off of them quite easily...but nothing will do what you want that easily that I know of.

Good luck my friend. That is quite a project.
Thanks for your answer!
I'm don't expect advanced 3D animations out of a few photos of the object. A short smooth fake-3d with a rotation of the object of some degrees (not 360).
I have heard that there is a software for my need but I can't seem to find it.

Anyone else?
Oh. I think I know what you mean. I think more what you're looking for is just a slideshow type of just have to take a photo from exactly the same distance from the object in several spots...and have a way to switch between them.

Kinda lke online when you can do a 360 view and you use the little slider?

I dono how to do it...but maybe it'll help you in your search...forget about 3d modelling...
There are a couple of different programs you can use. Adobe Premiere, image ready and a few others but lease two you may actually have already.
I found one software that might work. The 3D-effect I'm after is like this:

Anyone know of any other software that could produce this effect?
I don't think that's 3d animation at all. I've worked in 3d and animation for a bit, and that's just stop-motion animation. Basically, the person who did that took lots of photos, each slightly moved, then compiled them into a movie at a high frame rate (probably 25FPS). It's really easy to do, and if you have some stop-motion software (Stop Motion Pro, VirtualDub, etc) you can do it.
I think the software that you're after is called Quicktime VR, I used it in my degree, it's good for making virtual tours but also for creating 360 degree product photography, which seems to be what you are attempting to do.

I worked for the company that produced the images shown on this page with the quicktime VR software.

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