May 2017 POTM Winner


Fuzzy, wuzzy Nanuq
Staff member
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Dec 9, 2006
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Congratulations to @weepete for "The Needle on The Cobbler"

Thanks Guys!

With the quality photos in the monthy competiton it's a privelege just to be nominated. Getting a win is something that I never expected and has been a big boost to me personally, especially when I think of when I joined the forum way back in 2011 and what a lot of my shots were like back then I can see how far I have come. Needless to say just how much this forum has influenced me, pushed me out of my comfort zone, got me doing things I never thought I'd shoot, kicked me in the ass when I've got it wrong and picked me back up again when I thought it was all a bit pointless.

I'll take the oppertunity to thank everyone on the way. The help, advice, education, disscussions, comradarie and friendship has been invaluable.

Thanks again

Thanks Guys!

With the quality photos in the monthy competiton it's a privelege just to be nominated. Getting a win is something that I never expected and has been a big boost to me personally, especially when I think of when I joined the forum way back in 2011 and what a lot of my shots were like back then I can see how far I have come. Needless to say just how much this forum has influenced me, pushed me out of my comfort zone, got me doing things I never thought I'd shoot, kicked me in the ass when I've got it wrong and picked me back up again when I thought it was all a bit pointless.

I'll take the oppertunity to thank everyone on the way. The help, advice, education, disscussions, comradarie and friendship has been invaluable.

Thanks again

Well said. I love your images.
Really a fantastic image!
Congrats, well deserved.
Congrats weepete!

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