New Gum dichromate to share.


TPF Noob!
Nov 2, 2006
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So Cal
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Yeah Yeah! I was whinning because I wasn't getting any prints done but the last few days have been perfect printing weather and with my daughter laid up with wisdomtooth pressing teenage taxi duty.:mrgreen:


"yellow roses"


"remains of a cold one"

Both are 4 color gum dichromate from split negatives. I have not done the final clearing of the dichromate so they are have a yellow cast. I might push for a little more richness in the soda glass...
oh, oh, oh, Miss Crystal.....I think your roses are exquisite, just the way they are! I like the yellow cast, and of course with this subject matter, it works just fine. Beautiful!

I like the coke glass, too, but agree it might be fun to see what happens if you work it a little stuff.

Glad to see the weather is cooperating with you! :sun:
Florals really do lend them selves to this medium. They just look so lovely!

Alas, I have this phobia of being pigeonholed as a girly, woman photographer :sexywink:who does soft little puppies, kittys, smiling babies and flowers!:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Windy, I don't care what your subject matter is--the fact remains that your work is simply wonderful. I would leave the pigeon holes to the pigeons.
Florals really do lend them selves to this medium. They just look so lovely!

Alas, I have this phobia of being pigeonholed as a girly, woman photographer :sexywink:who does soft little puppies, kittys, smiling babies and flowers!:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Go shoot some road kill. :mrgreen: That'll shut 'em up.

But seriously, I get what you're saying. When I first joined this forum, many moons ago, I was shooting a lot in cemeteries and one of the mods at the time called me "Goth Gurl". I'm not, but I did appreciate the Dark Side association so early in the game. ;)

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