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way to go arty! we might be a minority of two, but we're a naked, spamming-partying minority so we rock like hell :headbang:
Alexandra said:
way to go arty! we might be a minority of two, but we're a naked, spamming-partying minority so we rock like hell :headbang:
Note the highlighted area above...

That's why nobody else is getting naked in here :er:

Have you ever seen a photo of me? Who wouldn't believe a sweet 15 year old girl when she said 'Yes, officer, Jake was there with us...naked...drinking' :p I've been pulled over just because of the way I look. Sorry...can't partake in any underage shinanigans :lol: *but it sounds long I don't have to look at Arty*
and 330 a minute ago

edit: 339 just now.
woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow. hands down.

edit2: 343 now. holy ****

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