New To Photography - What you think of these?


TPF Noob!
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Well I'm very new to photography. Lightening and sunsets, and beaches and surfing are my fav things to capture. Heres a few of my photos, what you think??

Post the pic you like from the album and comment on it. Or comment on any improvements i can make.
What you shooting with?

Pics look good.
Well I'm very new to photography. Lightening and sunsets, and beaches and surfing are my fav things to capture. Heres a few of my photos, what you think??

Post the pic you like from the album and comment on it. Or comment on any improvements i can make.

Welcome, I'm new here too. You have a good location to take those lightning shots from your balcony.

Yeah. I over look the suburbs and the sea is in sight too.
These look great! With a little post processing on some of them to crank up the colors (I love wild colors) they'd look even better IMHO. For the really dark shots, try a tripod and the timed shutter release instead so that you don't get blurry photos. All in all looks great, though! :)
Would really appreciate someone editing one of them abit to improve them as suggested above. Will look up some tuts to DIM.
i like the sunsets...very nice colors. I actually have those blue flowers outside my house. I had my lawn guy tell me the name but i forgot it. Its really blue during the bright part of the day and light blue at the mid (light sun) part of the day. Check out my flickr to see more of them.
Very nice photos. I think that the slight blur in the lightning shot adds to the drama. I understand that it's not for everyone, though...

IMO, some of the daylight cloud photos are a bit under-exposed. But 5 minutes in Photoshop should fix that.

I think you've really got talent. It'll be interesting to see what your more creative shots will be like if or when you get a DSLR.

I like this one but to me it was over exposed. I changed the levels and increased saturation a bit.
Never the less you are pretty good for a beginer.


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