Old wine; new skin...


TPF Noob!
Mar 14, 2004
Reaction score
Can others edit my Photos
Photos NOT OK to edit
Interface designed by BluDomain.
Royalty Free Music downloaded from MusicBakery.com

Minor tinkerings yet to be done.
I'd appreciate your input. :)
I just spent the last 10 or more minutes browsing through each gallery and each photo and all I can say is I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of your site (including the music, which is a rarity)
very nice site, I rather enjoyed looking through it. The only thing I noticed was that it was a little slow and jerky on the load, perhaps by internet connection is congested at the moment, after all I am on lunch at work.
bogleric said:
The only thing I noticed was that it was a little slow and jerky on the load, perhaps by internet connection is congested at the moment, after all I am on lunch at work.
I'd blame the net connection. :D Loading time is fine at this end.

This, I guess is the drawback of going with a flash site.
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude, you are going to take over New Jersy! Don't cha love Andrea and Harold?
And oooooohhhh. I've had my eye on that template for a while too. I'm gonna go flash in January. Simply perfect my friend. Hats off to you. Totally rocks!!!!!!!
Thanks Cindy! :D

Yes, they seem to be nice people. Haven't had a chance to talk (email) with Harold, yet.

I'm not done yet. Still working on a wedding faq section, which I think is vital, since I have other stuff on the site. Eventually I'll divide the site - one for the wedding market and the another for editorial work.

Miles to go...
I'm familiar with that saying as well. :D

Welcome to TPF!!
Digital Matt said:
Looks great Dan! :) My only complaint is that the flash seems to run a bit slow, ie the transitions.
Thanks Matt. Yeah, 8 secs were a bit long! I've just changed it to 4 secs.
Thanks everyone!! :)

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