Our spider is Pregnant !!!


TPF Noob!
Aug 13, 2010
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Redmond, OR
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Soon, we will have multitudes of new, beautiful little critters to take photo's of :mrgreen: LOL. No, I don't really like Spiders either but they were here first (at least i think)


Kill it!!! lol
You ever stomped on a spider that is getting ready to make more spiders? It causes about a million more problems haha. I would say kill it with fire, but then all of the new ones would burst out. So I don't know what to do.
Nice shots, but garden type spiders have egg sacks. I believe that is its body. I could be wrong.
Just because its a spider u cant kill it....thats not nice, and just when she about to be a mum :(
My pic the spider had gone out!!

That probably is her egg sac!
If you try to kill it, baby spiders will come out and it will not be good!
Just wait around, they will go away.
That probably is her egg sac!
If you try to kill it, baby spiders will come out and it will not be good!
Just wait around, they will go away.

I like all this spider info....
why will they go away dont you think they will like it where they were born....or may be they are backpaker spiders on the move looking for adventure!!!
No, they fly away.... lol
Haven't you seen Charlotte's Web?
That probably is her egg sac!
If you try to kill it, baby spiders will come out and it will not be good!
Just wait around, they will go away.

I have decided i am going to catch the spider(hopefully before she hatches :D ) and release it somewhere away from the back door so we dont have all those cute fuzzy things coming inside :lmao: . I wont kill spiders unless they are dangerous and most of the time, they are not
They shoot out a spindle of their web and the wind catches them!

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