
Today is day 45, I am half way through Round 1 of P90x. YAY!
I fully agree with a limited meat diet. It seems as though (at least in the US), that meat has become a much larger portion of the meals we eat. If you look at quite a few other cultures, meat is more of a garnish, which is exactly what it should be, in a healthy life style.

I do fitness training in the military as part time job, and I would have to say that it's the food that people put in their mouths, not their level of activity, that cause weight fitness/weight issues. I know a guy who plays soccer and works out fairly often, but insists that he can east whatever he wants as long as he works out. What he doesn't realize is that it's the equivalent of putting dirty oil in a Ferrari. The machine may be built for performance, BUT without proper attention to the stuff you're putting in it, it will just break down from the inside out.

Top 10 food items you should be eating everyday for maximum nutrition:

1. BEANS...
Can't say enough about them. They are high in Fiber, slow burning carbs, and protein! Black beans are at the top of the list (great in salads).

2. FRUIT...
The darker the fruit, the better. Well, I don't mean black Bananas :lol: but here are a few: Blueberries, Blackberries, Acai Juice, Prunes, dark grapes (raisins), cranberries, strawberries, and pomegranates. Also try and have an Apple and Banana everyday. If not whole, it works perfectly in a smoothie. Frozen fruits are just as good for you as the fresh! Remember, these things are full of Antioxidants, Polyphenols which have amazing health benefits.

3. Spinach or Broccoli...
Eating these two everyday would give you a powerful mixture of some of the most powerful blend of essential plant based nutrients. Broccoli contains an abundance of the antioxidant sulforaphane, which has been shown to remove toxins from the body and prevent cancer cells. You also get a rich source of Omega-3s and folate. Spinach is actually very beneficial when building muscles (Notably Biceps), Popeye was acutally right!

4. LEAN protein. You know what they are, salmon, poultry, lean beef.... The portion should be the size of your palm and your 4 fingers.

5. Oatmeal...
BUT, watch the ingredients. You will see they are not all made the same. You can find some brands with more sugar then a coke! You'll have the option of rolled, or steel cut oats. The steel cut (raw) will take longer to prepare, but will have more fiber. The rolled oats, instant type is processed, but will prepare faster and has a bit less fiber.
Either way you go, you can't lose. Great for reducing cholesterol! Easy way to bump up your fiber for the day. I eat a packet or two in the morning with a handful of raisins and craisins.

6. Olive oil, and Avocado
Buy some good olive oil (E.V.O.O), and buy it in bulk. This stuff is a great part of a healthy diet, and can be used for everything. Its associated with preventing quite a few diseases, and inhibits a protein that is known for muscle fatigue and wasting. Great source of healthy fat.

7. PRO-BIOTIC, Lowfat yogurt, cheese, milk.
Calcium, carb, and protein rich. Boosts immune system, no more colds!
A perfect breakfast food, 1 cup of yogurt with a high fiber granola, fresh berries, and a drop of honey on top, served with a fresh cup of juice...

8. Tomatoes, red/yellow peppers, Beets.
Lycopene. According to the FDA, they may reduce the chances of some serious illnesses, and deliver a healthy heart. Eat them often ;)

9. Nuts/Peanut butter.
Almonds and peanut butter especially. They are high in protein, fiber, and Omega 3's.

10. Whole grain foods.
Control blood sugar, add fiber, even out your digestive tract.

I also have recipes if interested!

Lots of great tips here. Thanks!
When I first heard of it, I ended up downloading :blushing: one of the workouts to try it out and liked it. Having seen other ones that my wife purchased, I wanted to be sure.

I then decided to pick it up, along with their rubber bands and all for the strenght training parts. I much prefer free weights, but the bands were a good second option.

Definately worth the buy IMO.

2 years later, I pulled out the DVDs and started up with the cardio potions again, as I have been so very inactive this winter. No snow (which is odd for Quebec) and that means no cross country skiing. I want to be in better shape for this summer's cycling season :)
I much prefer free weights, but the bands were a good second option.

Definately worth the buy IMO.

I thought I would like the bands because I didn't think that I would like the free weights taking up a bunch of room.

Turns out I hate the bands, they pull my hair during certain exercises when I have to have the band behind me. And I just think they are awkward.

I need to go buy some heavier weights, I've gotten so much stronger that on a few exercises I don't feel like I'm using weight at all.
I've got 5's throught 40's, and a 50 & 60 for lawnmowers. I've never used bands but they always seemed cheap to me. I will say I can imagine they are pretty effective on some of the moves.

Admittedly I am biased, but it is worth the money. It's about the cost of 4 months of gym membership (after tax & shipping) and it comes with a nutrition guide which is as important as the exercise when it comes to looking like you're in shape... which you don't get from a pirated copy.
Recovery week #2 :peacesign:
I like recovery week, but last time it seemed like I was weaker when I started my regular routine back up. Almost as if taking just 1 week off got me off track just like that. So I'm dreading next week a little bit.
I think I usually have the opposite reaction to recovery week... I feel stronger afterwards. But you have to be careful though that you are comparing apples to apples. You have to compare week 1 of phase 3 with week 3 of phase 1, not with week 3 of phase 2, because the workouts are completely different. Then consider that it's been 5 weeks since you've done that specific workout (C&B or A&S), and it's certainly normal for those moves to be a little weak because you haven't done them in over a month.
Ok I am no doubt MUCH stronger than when I began. Maybe the feeling I had after the last recovery week was lack of motivation. I just felt really sluggish during Plyo.

Last night we substituted Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga in place of YogaX. That YogaX is way too long plus I am sick of doing the same routine every week. Bob Harper sure kicked my butt. In YogaX Tony is all about the Downward Dogs and Chattarangas, in Weight Loss Yoga Bob is all about Planks. Both are very effective. We've decided to alternate the two videos each yoga night to mix it up a little.
I hear ya on the yoga, it's too long to be doing every week, sometimes twice.

If you feel like you're burning out in Yoga (or any other workout for that matter), try eating a banana or something 10 minutes beforehand. It has helped me. Also, make sure you are getting enough calories overall. Most people don't eat enough when doing p90x.

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