

TPF Noob!
Jul 22, 2009
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Hey everyone,
I went out and took some pictures with a friend. It was late, about 9pm, and there was not much light. So I have the the ISO bumped up (800) and I have my F stop set low (1.8) (2.8). So I had a lot of noise in my pics and had to use a lot of noise reduction, so the pictures may suffer some in sharpness.
Tell me what you think


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I think the third is the most dynamic.

1. Not sure why, but it doesn't grab my attention, it could be due to the tone of the photo, but it just doesn't pop for me.

2. Cool concept. I think that the glasses frame obscuring your subjects eyes slightly off the composition. I wouldnt' get rid of the glasses, so I'm not sure how you would compose it differently.

3. I really like, looks good.
#1 is underexposed. Reds also seem a bit prominent in the skin tones, but not overly so.

#2 has some tonal contrast that's very nice. Due to the angle, I'd crop in tighter and get rid of the negative space on the left and top of the image. May have had the subject tilt his head down more as up-the-nose-shots are really difficult to pull off and still come away with an appealing image. You've got some specular highlights on the nose and forehead, and shadows where there should be eyes. Specular highlights can sometimes work in portraits, and the shadowed eyes can sometimes work as well -- however, in conjunction, they pretty much say 'poor lighting'. You could have offset this by using a reflector. They eyes still would have been dark but not completely in shadow.

#3 Everything that's good about the tonal contrast in #2 is completely absent in #3. Also the head tilt toward near shoulder is a traditionally feminine pose which doesn't play against type well with this image.
Thanks for all the C&C everyone.

I agree with you on #3, how its a bit feminine.
About number #2, Yeah I definitely agree with the glass interfering with the composition. Also, I would have loved to use reflectors, however, I didnt have any on me, and it was pretty dark out.

Thanks again! I will definitely apply these methods in the future!

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