Presets question, what is he doing to his photos?


TPF Noob!
Aug 21, 2016
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Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
Can someone give some input on how this guy might be processing his images. Here is a link of his gallery Vincent & Yiping - Linczak Photography It kind of looks like a film effect, crushing blacks in tone curve, not sure about skin tones. maybe there is more to it.
Looks like a warmer white balance, plus adjusting either curves or levels to get the blacks.
It looks like a duplication overlay technique.
Do you think the blacks are clipped? Or just by overlaying this look is possible?
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Do you think the blacks are clipped? Or just by overlaying this look is possible?

The blacks are not clipped.


They're placed exactly where they belong with precision. As Sparky noted the WB is warm -- consistently, which means deliberate. These are skilled photographers (she and he) who know how to take and process a photograph. You're seeing the result of nailed the lighting, nailed the exposure, nailed the processing. Haven't seen a LR preset for skill yet.

January 16 - 19 they're conducting a 4 day seminar for photographers. Sign up and go: For Photographers

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yeah, he's probably not spending a lot of time processing. Just clean, rich, and warm. black blacks, white whites. warm tones.
yeah, he's probably not spending a lot of time processing. Just clean, rich, and warm. black blacks, white whites. warm tones.

Create the look, save it as a preset, then apply it to everything in the folder. Then go have a cup of coffee and watch Oprah for a while.
Basic first edits - set the black point, set the white point, set the gray point.
If you would like to learn how to create a custom Lightroom preset, a very good video can be found on YouTube, done by Lindsay Adler. One of the best aspects of light room, in my opinion, is the ease with which custom presets can be applied to images either singly, or in groups. Lightroom is one of the fastest operating workflow tools ever designed.

This goes between your card reader and your computer.

PS- if such a device actually existed, my credit card would melt, I'd whip it out so fast. :D
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