Slang and Such

The slang I use is probably different than anyone elses. I've gotten it from a long line of old jazz musicians that I grew up playing with. We say things like:

You dig? (Do you understand?)
I'm hip. (I understand)
Were we tippin, or what? (If you played good)
You were throwin down! " "
Where's my chips? (money)
Get that digit! " "
What's happenin? -> Response: You are!
If someone has big feet, or big hands, or a big head, you say they are "holdin".
Let's get a taste. (booze, or other natural remedies of questionable legality)

There's probably a ton more that I don't even realize, or can't think of right now.
Some of my favs...excuse some of the crudity please (i am an aussie after all)

Seeing an unattractive girl...."she's got a head like a foot" or "a face like a dropped pie"
Seeing an attractive girl that you'd like to get on with..."Rather be up her than up north picking pineapples"
replace the word scrotum with "hairy bean bag" or balls/nuts with "cods"
feeling great..."Wouldn't be dead for quids"

I've got a squillion of 'em and use 'em all heaps (when on deployment with the guys mainly)
ha, i realise i use a lot slang other folks use:

ferny said:
I say cheers and ta a lot. Oh, and oi gets a fair amount of use.
digitalmatt said:
You dig? (Do you understand?)
I'm hip. (I understand)

common phrases
choice, choicer, choicest
wicked style
bugger, buggered, bugger-all, bugger-up

starting sentences

ending sentences
as - this i think is southern hemispherian phenomenon, mainly because we are too lazy and feeble minded to end our sentences.

That pizza was yummy as
This forum is wicked as
Lucky Dog got drunk as last night and woke up with a sheila ugly as

I also tend to 'ian' / 'orian' / 'onian' to describe another persons attribute ie:

havoc: Man, that girl has rather robust mammary glands
me: That was quite a havocorian comment
Crikey. All this slang Roxorz my Boxorz rite down to my Soxorz. And, we got some fit shielas on these forums, though they like hanging over the back fence a bit. Still, not a scrubba amongst them, not a bush pig to be found. No sweat doodes.
hahahha, ducky here is your slang converted to swedish chef speak:

Creekey. Ell thees slung Ruxurz my Buxurz reete-a doon tu my Suxurz. Und, ve-a gut sume-a feet sheeeles oon zeese-a furooms, thuoogh zeey leeke-a hungeeng oofer zee beck fence-a a beet. Steell, nut a scroobba emungst zeem, nut a boosh peeg tu be-a fuoond. Nu sveet duudes. Bork Bork Bork!

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