
International TPF day is Chase's birthday. :mrgreen: We celebrate this day by everyone showing up on the forum to see how many people we can have logged in at the same time.
Ok...the only thing at the bottom of my index page is todays birthdays...doesn't say any upcoming events, and I can't go into September in the calendar at the top..I get a 404 message. Weeeird.
hehehe... so chase is one step closer to his life long dream of banning corry, one page at a time. :lol: *jks*

I reckon we should have an online 'yahoo' party where we can all log in and chat for just that day.
andreag5 said:
check the upcoming events at the bottom of the page :mrgreen:

so I feel really dumb. I'm not finding upcoming events anywhere on here. Where exactly are the upcoming events posted.
Vmann said:
so I feel really dumb. I'm not finding upcoming events anywhere on here. Where exactly are the upcoming events posted.

They are usually down at the bottom of the index page, under where is shows everyone that's online, where it shows the birthdays...but I'm not seeing the upcoming events either, so don't feel dumb.
core_17 said:
They are usually down at the bottom of the index page, under where is shows everyone that's online, where it shows the birthdays...but I'm not seeing the upcoming events either, so don't feel dumb.

Im still not seeing it so I quess where in the same boat.

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