Story Time

and begin (to) prepare

Without the sun we'd be dead.

But thanks to fictional forum stories we don't live so it doesn't matter which road we take, as long as we, fight for the right to PAAAAAARTAAAY!!!

That's true but, the party will turn red and we know red means communist.

Blue means something and white is as snow is, but yellow snow indicates I couldn't fly a kite because I got kicked in the right ear by a random dog with a large case of scented bleach and a tumor.

Now the badger arrived...with a spare party hat, so he reached inside and found a bloodied leather glove with one finger missing from the usually five.

It soon transpired that the middle finger was destroyed by the deliberate use of uncontrolled knives and forks.

This is unusual but not rare especially where looney tune of monkeys, who by listening closely found that particularly KNIVES could be bent anger caused by The spoons making irritating noises. Someone realise that green sweets contain poison and jelly, that gave severe stomach cramps, therfore Pepto was needed! Alas! No Pepto! But, bismol was close by. now that presnets a small conundrum we'll need to scrape together all our top people ,monkeys and apes, in suits and ties and begin (to) prepare shampoo and conditioner , never forgetting about the trolls

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