Suggest a movie for me....

Btw, now that I have my iPhone, I'm really not entirely sure that subtitles are out of the question on this screen....converting Motorcycle Diaries now so I can test my hypothesis! :p

Hey if the subtitles work okay, then "Apocolypto" is certainly worth watching. Very entertaining.
I'm actually quite impressed with Leo. He went from being a young punk in sappy movies, to a pretty gritty actor.

Me too. I thought he was fantastic in The Departed. What a great movie. Haven't seen Blood Diamond yet, but keep hearing good things about it. I did like a few older Leo movies, though, too, like The Basketball Diaries.

I also second Trenton's suggestion about Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and American History X. Those are two of my personal favs. I'd also recommend Donnie Darko (love that movie!). I can come up with some more, but I'll have to think about it.
A really different movie... but quite graphic (NSFW ;)):

Tian bian yi duo yun (aka The Wayward Cloud) by Tsai Ming-liang.

A very good movie with only little dialogue and a disturbing end. I consider this art, as opposed to mainstream / boring blockbusters.

Hah, it's kind of funny that you would recommend Tsai to someone out of the least to me. Haven't seen The Wayward Cloud but I'm a big fan of his work, "What time is it There", "The Hole", and "The River". I just don't see his movies as for least not for most. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about? :mrgreen:

On a semi-related (in that they're both obscure asian directors) I watched "Syndromes and a Century" recently and it's great - you seen that one?

For Corry I recommend one of my favorites, "Blow Up". It's about photography, and maybe the meaning of art and life as well.
Donnie Darko
City of God
Born Into Brothels (story about photography... nudge nudge)
The Big Lebowski ("Fu#k it Dude, let's bowl.")
Bullitt- Steve McQueen, The first Car chase ever to be filmed at actual chase speeds. Doubt you'll find it on iTunes though.

I thought "The worlds fastest Indian" was very good as well. Its not really about racing or motorcycles, its about a man following his dream, and the friends he makes along the way. Great performance by [SIZE=-1]Anthony Hopkins.[/SIZE]
I thought "The worlds fastest Indian" was very good as well. Its not really about racing or motorcycles, its about a man following his dream, and the friends he makes along the way.

Yep, that's what got me back in the saddle. ;)

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