Summer Portraits - Boho, Nature, Water


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Aug 6, 2012
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near St Louis
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A few from my photography group meet up with models. Many models and I took about 400 photos. The theme was Boho. Canon R6 135mm


Boho Session 3 by Cheryl, on Flickr


Boho Session 1 by Cheryl, on Flickr


Boho Session 2 by Cheryl, on Flickr

Ran into a friend on a nature walk at the Watershed Nature Center. Did an impromptu session. More on my Flickr page. Fuji X-T4 56mm

Watershed Portrait 1 by Cheryl, on Flickr

Water balloon shots with the grands. Canon R6 135mm


What fun!!!! Love the whole set, Cheryl!

Nice work with the models, definitely. Your impromptu portrait is great - terrific pose, he looks very contemplative.

The water balloons are a hoot! :lol:
What fun!!!! Love the whole set, Cheryl!

Nice work with the models, definitely. Your impromptu portrait is great - terrific pose, he looks very contemplative.

The water balloons are a hoot! :lol:
Thanks Terri. The photography group is a FB group that meets up with models a few times a year. I've gone to a few and everyone is helpful. I shadowed a few seasoned portrait photographers that day to hear how they direct the models. The models are pros to beginners and I felt comfortable after awhile directing poses.

Contemplative was what I was going for on the friend's pose. He took direction well on the other poses too.

The grands had a fun time with the water balloon shots. I try to think up fun things for them or if I see something online I save to an idea folder on my phone.
An excellent set, looks like you had fun!
Fantastic! As always!!
Nice set.
#1 nominated for July 2022 POTM

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