Think there will ever be "vintage digital cameras?

I don't see that happening, people chuck em' right when they stop working, not many people would even think about collecting them, there's just no point. It is just like computers, how many are vintage?

According to least 84 computers are vintage.

Well vintage by definition implies a time period in which especially high quality product was produced. It's actually a winery or vineyard specific term. So, within that usage of the word no, there will never be vintage digital cameras - as the components in older models will probably never be considered high quality by the time they are called old.
It depends on what definition of vintage you use. Vintage most certainly refers to a time period, but when referencing wine, it refers to a specific batch during a specific year.

Webster defines it as "3 a: a period of origin or manufacture <a piano of 1845 vintage> b: length of existence : " with no mention of requisite quality, merely that it's of a particular age.

According to least 84 computers are vintage.

It depends on what definition of vintage you use. Vintage most certainly refers to a time period, but when referencing wine, it refers to a specific batch during a specific year.

Webster defines it as "3 a: a period of origin or manufacture <a piano of 1845 vintage> b: length of existence : " with no mention of requisite quality, merely that it's of a particular age.

Bifurcator, I think was simply refering to the traditional and original meaning of "vintage". However through misuse over time it has taken on a new meaning to refer to a time period, or something aged, which is reflected as one current usage in modern dictionaries. However as he pointed out, it was not the original technical meaning of the world.

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