To all smokers :)

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aggiezach said:
Eating fatting foods is one thing (lets for the sake of argument not talk about the cardiovascular system) because most of the harmful effects can be repaired (in one way or another) but a damaged lung can not be repaired.
Eating unhealthy cannot be limited to eating fatty foods. Being unhealthy and/or obese is a lifestyle... just like smoking is a lifestyle. Kill you, one cigarette will not. Just like it takes more than one cheesburger or candy bar to make one unhealthy.
I tell ya what Zach, you go out and smoke for 15 years and then tell me what comes to your mind first, your health or the fact that you feel like you will lose it if you don't have a cigarette? Case in point, I just woke up. I do not have any cigarettes right now because I forgot to go get them earlier. I know they will kill me but until I get one I am crabby enough to tear people heads off! Kinda like right now. Call me stupid whatever you wnat but gimme a damn smoke!

sorry :cry:
Just a point...addiction doesnt mean you do it every could do it once a month, and still perhaps be addicted...

And I personally (not saying that im right) dont generally believe the "I can give up whenever I want thing" Ive heard it to many times....sorry....

My ten pence...hope you dont hate me mentos md...
I like smoking because:

1. I think it tastes and smells good, when not done excessively; it's relaxing to me, it makes long car drives go by smoother.

2. It's really nice to share a smoke with a friend. I don't smoke indoors (except bars), same with most of my friends, and not everyone will go have a cigarette at once. Because of that, you usually escape from the crowd for a couple minutes and can have a normal conversation with another smoker without interruptions. A lot of people say that this is something you could do anyway, without the crutch of smoking. Those people just don't understand the social bonding that goes along with having a smoke with someone. It's kind of like a diluted, modern day version of passing around the peace pipe.

3. I feel I have to balance out the world. There are so many people now riding their anti-smoking high horses that I feel I must be the yin to the yang and encourage all around me to join in on the consumption of tobacco, because, hey, you're gonna die someday no matter how pure and healthy a life you live.

4. Kinda back to point 3. I like smoking because it speeds up the inevitable. I'm hoping it'll get me quick, before I ever have any chance of peeing in my pants for forgetting the names of my grandkids... errr... grandnephews and grandnieces, I mean.

/not an optimist :twisted:
I believe the "I can give up when I want cos I'm not addicted" statement. I know people who have been like that. When they fancy a cigarette they'll have one. If they haven't got any they forget about it. Just like now when I fancied some toast. I'm not addicted to toast, I was just in the mood for some.
Whoever said the thing about people being born with addicted personalities (I think a couple of people did) was right. Some people are born to be more susceptible to addiction. Just as some are born to have blue eyes and some are born gay.
I also believe that some say they're not addicted when they are and that others say they aren't addicted when they know that they are.

4. Kinda back to point 3. I like smoking because it speeds up the inevitable. I'm hoping it'll get me quick, before I ever have any chance of peeing in my pants for forgetting the names of my grandkids... errr... grandnephews and grandnieces, I mean.

That is kinda interesting, if you meant it and weren't joking. I think I'd rather go when I pissing myself than suffer the pain of a terminal illness or a heart attack. Unless you plan on topping yourself.

Just for the record. Both of my parents smoked when I was little. We moved to this house when I was nine. I think they quit just before that, possibly in the same year. And I'm not bothered by smoking. I hate the smell and it gives me a headache, but so does plenty of other stuff.

Oh, and I'm not sure how much a packet of fags is here. Over $10 I'm sure. I'll check later.
I can only half believe the "I can quit anytime" theory. Mainly because it only works for so long. When I was young and in the first 5-7 years of smoking I wasn't a real heavy smoker. I would start and stop all the time, no big deal but pretty soon you are on a regular pace if you don't watch out and thats when it tightens it's grip around you like a boa constrictor. The more you try to get away the more you want/feel you need it. If you are going to use the mindset of thinking you can quit whenever you want thats fine but be careful it is akin to player russian roulette. Just my $.02 because it used to be me 10 years ago.
explody pup said:
3. I feel I have to balance out the world. There are so many people now riding their anti-smoking high horses that I feel I must be the yin to the yang and encourage all around me to join in on the consumption of tobacco, because, hey, you're gonna die someday no matter how pure and healthy a life you live.

4. Kinda back to point 3. I like smoking because it speeds up the inevitable. I'm hoping it'll get me quick, before I ever have any chance of peeing in my pants for forgetting the names of my grandkids... errr... grandnephews and grandnieces, I mean.

/not an optimist :twisted:

NO DOUBT!!! I'm cutting off the years I want to avoid anyway!!! Also I'm all about population control. TOO many people as it is is on this tiny little rock- who cares if some of them kill themselves on tobacco, fastfood, strawberries :D, or whatever atleast they enjoyed life when they were around.

For the survivors of smoking related deaths, I can sympothize. My dad died last October from lung cancer. It sucked and I DON"T THINK I COULD HAVE MADE IT THROUGH IT IF IT WERE NOT FOR NICOTINE TO CALM ME DURING THE BAD SPELLS.

Okay I will admit that subjecting non smokers to smoking is bad, i.e. dad smoking in the house with the kids, cigars in the office and the like. Thus the designated smoking areas right. Dad can go outside and cigar folks can go outside the building. THERE problem solved for the non smokers right!!! For some reason that just isn't good we ban smoking in bars, still not enough?... how about no smoking in public anymore. what's next big bro? Maybe branding me as an evil or bad person for trying to enjoy my life the way I want too?

AND ONCE AGAIN we are all creatures of habit. It's in our sub-obvious security blanket. Either it be a coffin nail when we are feeling down or sitting in front of your computer for hours on end pecking away at a forum because yer too insecure to hang out with actual folks but still ya gotta talk to somebody- we are ALL addicted to something. And if you say yer not then I'm calling ya a big dirty fibber!!!

ALSO!! we haven't heard a peep from the drunks!!! Alcohol is just as bad as tobacco (worse in some ways) and much more devastating to the "second hand" community. How many second hand smoke related deaths for auto accidents appear every year? I'm sure not as many as those caused by drunk drivers. If ya really want to help the human race out try to ban booze or even GUNS!!!! The other day someone posted a thread about being too hung over from a night of making sweet love to a botttle of whiskey. Everyone who posted(including myself) were like "hang in there buddy", I know what ya mean" ,"I feel yer pain", "oh do this to help"- but NO ONE said a friggin word about how it's bad for you, you need to stop, yer killing yourself, did you drive home in that condition, or you're hurting those around you. We live in such a hipocritical society!!! But as soon as someone mentions enjoying some part of smoking evryone is soooo quick to sling crap towards them. If the non smokers really want to help me, stop telling me what to do with my life. I have enough interference from the MAN!!!

Someone earlier mentioned that an addiction doesn't have to be an everyday thing...that it could just happen once a month. My response is - do you consider a person who has a drink of alcohol once a month an alcoholic, a person who eats fast food once a month an over eater, someone who has sex once a month a sex addict, etc... ya get the picture.

ALso please note that within the next couple of years, Americans will be paying just as much if not more for obesity related illness than any other illness including cancer. If ya think smoking is such a problem and obesity isn't take a look around next time your out at the mall and observe the number for overwieght folks versus the number of smokers. I personally think we can aim our energy at larger issues than what I do on and in my own personal time. :x

ok... now.... im tired of beating this dead horse. You folks have fun with it.
Sorry if I offended anyone. That was not my intention. I was just stating my opinion. I also agree with the concensus here, we have other problems in the world besides smoking and tobacco use, but the topic of this thread was "To all you smokers" not "To all you smokers, obese people, and alcoholics...." Lets not get started down those roads, I've got plenty of opinions on what alcohol has done to this world (to those who abuse it anyhow).

Now lets all have a group hug and move on :D
There have been a couple of posts making the point that it just cuts out the years they don't want anyway. There are a couple of problems with that. First of all, not everyone in their senior years is siitng in a wheelchair with their Depends on. In this day and age a lot of our seniors are of very sound mind and body enjoying life. Second, for the people that smoking affects, they don't always go along with good health and then just drop dead. Some of them end up suffering with very poor health for a long time before that happens.
Yes there are many other vises out there but that doesn't mean that this one is ok.
Someone earlier mentioned that an addiction doesn't have to be an everyday thing...that it could just happen once a month. My response is - do you consider a person who has a drink of alcohol once a month an alcoholic, a person who eats fast food once a month an over eater, someone who has sex once a month a sex addict, etc... ya get the picture.

If whenever they dont do it this once a month they got "cranky" and well as depression...then yes I would call it an addiction.
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