Tulips (three shots)

Trenton Romulox

TPF Noob!
Mar 10, 2007
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Hi everyone. I haven't posted for a while, at least not pictures, so here are a few I took earlier tonight. Critique them as hard as you want, I can take it.

Hope you enjoy! Thanks for looking.




Seriously, be hard on me. :]
great shots I love the simple composition and background, if i have to be difficult though I'd say you lost a fair amount of highlight detail in the last black and white shot
great shots I love the simple composition and background, if i have to be difficult though I'd say you lost a fair amount of highlight detail in the last black and white shot

There is. And that was mostly post-processing on my part. I was sort of going for a lot of highlights. I'm not entirely sure why. Sometimes I just get into that mood where I my shots to have a lot of highlights, I guess you could consider it part of my style. And yeah, the style isn't exactly the best, technically. Thank you for your comments. I just hope that my flower shots are unique on some level. I try to keep them a bit bright, without sacrificing the dark aspect I try and have in all of my work. You know?
i really like the first one. a lot! its got a lot of depth and its really bright and very dark all at the same time. again, i love it!

the next two are boring to me.
I really like them! I defiantly like the color more then the black and white, tho.

Love the black background. Really makes them pop
i really like the first one. a lot! its got a lot of depth and its really bright and very dark all at the same time. again, i love it!

the next two are boring to me.

Fair enough in regards to the boringness of the last two. And on some level, I even agree.

In regards to the black and white one, not just for you spiffy, but the post below yours (sorry I forgot your name already, I'm a tool...oh, wait, Sarah, I think.) Anyways, the black and white one: I was simply trying to take advantage of the wide angle of my lens and immerse the viewer a bit in the flowers. And I did it in black and white because I wanted to evoke a sense of 'bright/happy' without the use of color. I was basically challenging myself. Maybe I passed the challenge, maybe I didn't, but it's okay. That's why I'm shooting and posting on here, to get better. So thank you everyone for your comments. Much appreciated.

Perhaps I'll try and shoot some more flowers tonight, yeah?
I'm with David. The second it is for me. The silkiness of the petals is nicely worked out here, the side light is kind of dramatic, and some petals are even translucent, which I like a lot, too.

Composition of the last is nice, the aspect of a star. But the second has so much more detail.

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