Who are the vandals ?


TPF Noob!
Jan 15, 2006
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Cannock UK
Can others edit my Photos
Photos OK to edit
A photo of an old foundry, a comment on the loss of industry in my hometown.
Anyway your comments please


Film Adox 125, Developer IlfosolS @ 1+9 (two bath)
Printed on Ilford MG at 3.5

Comments on composition, whether it conveys the message and the processing are all welcome. Thanks CJB
That's a cool picture! I love taking pics of abandoned places hehe, you could always try cropping a bit of the bottom off though.
Nice shot!
I did consider doing that and turning it into a standard 8x10, I just love the square format though :lol:

Thanks for the comment
darin3200 said:
Half the shot is boing stuff like an empty sky or some grass. Go in closer and focus on something specific

But the point of the shot is that there is now emptiness where before there was a vibrant, noisy place of work.
I do agree about the foreground grass, I have a shot of the inside of the foundry which I will publish when I am happy with the print.
based on the tag, i'd say it's somebody in bam margera's gang :)

in either case, the only message this conveys to me is one of disuse or abandonment, but i just thought it was some old house that was broken. i don't really get any feeling of industry or lack there of.

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