Who is retarded?

Who is retarded?

  • Me

    Votes: 15 68.2%
  • Architect

    Votes: 7 31.8%

  • Total voters
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TPF Noob!
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Littleton, Colorado
I damaged my car today. My pretty much new 2012 Prius V :(. I was backing out of the parking space and I was next to a big pick up and a curb. Since I know there was nobody was parking in the handicapped spot, I went back straight instead. I didn't see the pole :(. Who is retarded? Me or the architect of the parking lot?

lol i dunno but there are a few douchebag parking jobs in that lot pic
The poll just says ME and ARCHITECT, you're not in it at all. I voted for ME, though.
It's called a rear view mirror.
Both, you were careless but the layout is odd, maybe the designer had never heard of chevron parking.
Ummm, the "architect" doesn't have a dent in his car. Just sayin'

Sorry bro, I had too. lol
I hate to say it, but you threw yourself under the bus on this one. Although it's a silly placement for the pole, you as a driver should be aware of your surroundings.

Like my father said to me, that cone could've been a kid. HAHA
Just wondering where is the handicap parking space you were backing into because I don't see it.
At least it was a very smug dent.
Robin, Sorry.. but backing into a marked space like this is a No-No! And how did you not see the pole? You should have gone left or right... I hate the F'n tanks that people drive here in Denver too (one person, never pull a trailer, never put anything in the bed,14 MPG if they are lucky, dual cab long bed jerkoffs! And most of them can't park those tanks worth a $hit!I get them in my parking garage all the time!)... but this was your fault!

Are you one of those Prius drivers that also does 50 in the left hand (fast) lane? Seems like many do!
Man...seems to me like you would really have to WORK at it to hit that pole from where you were parked! :lmao:

At first, I was willing to proclaim both you AND the architect of the pole placement slightly "challenged"--because who puts a pole in the middle of the "no parking" area, instead of back toward the back of it. But then I realized, the pole is the handicapped parking designation for that space that runs horizontal, where most of them run vertical. So--sorry, but the pole placement makes sense, considering its purpose. Pulling out without noticing it...not so much. :D
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