You gotta specialize....

mmmmm.... tacos........

mysterious tacos...

i like written plan... very visual...
Awesome. LOL.

"Unfortunately, the country in which I am deployed will not clear through customs taco images so raw and naked. But I was able to successfully download an image under cover of night, and it now graces my computer screen as wallpaper. This is important because my computer screen is located in a secret building which houses the United States' military war-fighting center for Iraq and Afghanistan. As a result, combat-hardened men and women, some fresh from the front lines of the War on Terror, see your inspirational work and are reminded of that for which we fight.
You are a true patriot. "
M.C., from an undisclosed location in southwest Asia
Very "interesting" because I've never seen it done before. But how many different types of "taco shots" can you take? I thought they all tacos look the same.

He must love tacos.
I was sitting here perusing that link, and I just realized that I have developed a desperate, gnawing hunger for massive quantities of Mexican food...

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