Ever do something stupid to got a shot? I didšŸ˜©


TPF Noob!
Nov 25, 2023
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I hadnā€™t been out all winter until it warmed up the other day. I decided to check out the local waterfalls to see how un-frozen they were and get a few photos. I didnā€™t realize just how out of shape I was and didnā€™t take into account that I turned 71 three months ago. I was stupid enough to crawl along the edge of a drop off on a steep cliff side just to get a bit closer for one more shot. After my last photo, I started to go back. But my legs give out and I was stuck there for some time. No, I didnā€™t bring my phone. No one was around. My only choice was to inch my way up the side of this cliff face and hope I didnā€™t fall. Because if I did, I wouldnā€™t be writing this to you. Anyway, I made it out. But I and sore and feel like I have been run over by a football team.
Here is the photo I risked my neck for. And itā€™s not even that goodā€¦.


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I did the same thing many years ago, got the shot and survived, win/win. My old tripod did have the spikes to help though.
Began doing stuff like that at age 7. Still here, still at it. Meine frau writes it off as "dumb man tricks."
Similar bad judgement from a 73 yo last fall. I headed out for my own waterfall trip, 1.6 mi in and 1.6 mi back out. There were two trails to the falls, the direct route and the route that followed the creek. Well, the creek route came to sudden end and the only choice was climb up a steep boulder field to the main trail or go back. So I decided to go up, It was only 0.1 mi on the map. I made it but by the time I got to the falls I was too tired and unsteady to climb over more boulders and get photos. By the time I got back to my truck I had to pick up my legs with my arms to get them in the truck.
I'm glad you made it out all right! You'll know better than to put yourself in a situation like that next time. :) At least carry a phone!

I think this is a very nice series, actually. I like the spots of warm sun against the cold blue icicles and snow in the shadows. Good winter scenery.
Lugged a Mamiya RB67 Pro S kit+big Manfrotto tripod+bag down into a gorge at the Forks of the Credit north of Toronto a few years ago. Freezing mist cancelled most hand/footholds. Mercifully never slipped.

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Yep, Been There, Done (almost died) That, many times. Sometimes you just have to get the shot.
Thanks everyone, you brought a smile to me. I guess we are all in good company. Photog crazy we must be.
Nice set! I think we've all done something like that. The one that got the closest to getting me killed was getting a shot of Neuschwannstein castle in Germany, standing on the edge of the cliff with my toddler son on my back in a carrier. It wasn't the chance that I might fall (no guard rails), it was the very enraged momma who would have probably pushed me over if I hadn't had my son on my back at the time.
I haven't done anything as daring as you. One time I was stooping low to get video of waves hitting the beach. A big wave came and knocked me over. Fortunately my GoPro was in a waterproof case and I didn't lose it.

We have taken tours with a private guide in Mexico a few times. At one cenote there is a smallish cliff. I got my husband to jump off so I could get video. Our tour guide did get some great stills of his jump.

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