
Been spending a lot of time on here!
Jan 31, 2015
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I figured I should take care of my working film cameras instead of them sitting on my desk collection dust when I'm not using them haha.

The only other film camera that isn't pictured is my Yashica FR-II that I am currently shooting with and testing.

Cool to see because I've also swung back into film too. Now being retired and film being easy to get I'm jumping back in!
Much neater than mine!
I plan on selling most of these though!
Out of the film side of photography?

Not entirely sure. I bought these cameras to fix up and sell for profit. But they are difficult to sell for some reason despite me putting HOURS of work into them so they are turn key ready to shoot. Nobody wants them. They want the Nikon, Pentax, Canon. Nobody seems to want Yashica cameras.
Not entirely sure. I bought these cameras to fix up and sell for profit. But they are difficult to sell for some reason despite me putting HOURS of work into them so they are turn key ready to shoot. Nobody wants them. They want the Nikon, Pentax, Canon. Nobody seems to want Yashica cameras.
Are you going with eBay for the sale of them?
I figured I should take care of my working film cameras instead of them sitting on my desk collection dust when I'm not using them haha.

The only other film camera that isn't pictured is my Yashica FR-II that I am currently shooting with and testing.

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Cool photo, actually! I find photography in general a calming stress-release.

I got two drawers full of cameras. Top draw are the digitals with CCD sensors. The bottom drawer is two-tiers of film cameras. Most have either been free, or purchased at thrift stores for tuppence. I have about 30 now. Oldest is the Kodak No. 2 Brownie box camera. Also have an Ensign box camera. Both take 120. I even have that a Holga 120N just like yours - same colour, too! I have another in red, with black trim! Both for CDN$5.00 (or two twoonies and a loonie!)
For sure. I sell junk cams on eBay, the Yashica range finders and med formats bring the most coin, the 35mm's not so much.

I bought them hoping I can make an return on investment but at this point I'll be happy to break even.
Hi. People miss an opportunity. These Yashica 35mm cameras shared a mount with Contax.

These Yashica 35mm cameras used the "C/Y" lens mount, short for "Contax/Yashica": Yashica being the lower-end consumer brand SLR system made by Yashica/Kyocera that shared its lens mount with Contax SLRs. Zeiss lenses in the C/Y mount came in either AE or MM varieties and are excellent...
Isn't it funny how we start with one medium (for me digital) then found Film (6x6) then back to digital, went back to film again in a big way with Large Format 8x10 (my own darkroom) gave all that up and now just bought a new ZF............crazyness
Isn't it funny how we start with one medium (for me digital) then found Film (6x6) then back to digital, went back to film again in a big way with Large Format 8x10 (my own darkroom) gave all that up and now just bought a new ZF............crazyness
And you'll probably be back to shooting film again haha

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