The Photography Forum

I really like it! Thanks for the heads up. I think now that the last of the regular posters are leaving FKP, that will essentially be it for the forum there to be honest. It was only us lot contributing anything. I hadn't seen a mod in god knows how long. much less Jared.
Like you, I found him rude and arrogant to people sometimes. In some of his videos the way he spoke to the females and the way he acted, really raised an eyebrow. I don't think I'll be going back to FKP to be honest, other than to check in to see if any other regular posters want to jump ship too.
What really put me off was when I asked him for a little help with the Saving Eliza Appeal. They'd covered it briefly in the podcast but then Benjamin Von Wong selected my photo for the appeal. I was trying to drum up some interest in the photo to sell it to raise money.
I thought since I was a pretty active member, he'd want to promote the fact that the Fro Nation were actively involved. I wasn't gaining from it financially in any way, shape or form. I literally just gave them the photo to raise money for the little girl with that terrible disease, that will probably claim her life very early on. Jared wasn't interested.

But yeah, I find it much more lively here. Good find dude!
Wow, yeah, Jared is a jerk. I think the only thing he cares about is making more money..I mean come on..air fresheners!?

I'm glad you like it! It is more lively here, you can actually get a response within minutes rather than days, haha! I really feel this is a great community and little to no talk about FroKnowsPhoto here! Yay.