
  1. petrochemist

    Lockdown photography

    I took one of my old Sigma SD14 cameras out for my daily exercise yesterday. As always when using one of the digital antiques I had the dust filter removed & a filter fitted to give pseudo aerochrome results. Due to restrictions just walking along the footpath beside our works site, so rather...
  2. petrochemist

    IR - Simulated aerochrom

    I've recently been playing with an old Sigma SD14, one of the few cameras with a Foveon sensor rather a Bayer matrix to give color information. The infra red blocking filter is combined with a dust protector on this camera & easily pops out - converting the camera to an IR sensitive model. The...
  3. C

    Stacking color filters for aerochrome 35mm color infrared film.

    I'm taking a last minute trip to Yosemite and I have some aerochrome type film and I was unable to get a true yellow and orange filter to get the proper effects but I do have an 85a and 85b filter my question is if I stack these two filters will I have a true orange or something close to it? I...
  4. C

    Stacking color lens filters for aerochrome 35mm film

    I'm taking a last minute trip to Yosemite and I have some aerochrome type film and I was unable to get a true yellow and orange filter to get the proper effects but I do have an 85a and 85b filter my question is if I stack these two filters will I have a true orange or something close to it? I...