
  1. nerwin

    4th of July on film

    I never photographed a 4th of July parade on film before. My town's parade was a total washout of lots of rain so I missed out on it...luckily my town does their parade in June rather so I was able to go to a different town to photograph their parade and decided to shoot the whole thing on film...
  2. nerwin

    Bizzare Sunset

    Okay well its not "bizzare" but not one frequently seen around here. This is due to forest fires from Canada making the sun visible with the naked eye. I live in a small country town as you can tell and it was funny to see people come out of their homes to photograph the sun going down. Someone...
  3. Superka

    Man at work - CG-artist.

    Post production documentaries. Canon 60D mostly with some Alcatel one touch Idol 2s.
  4. O

    Does my documentary photography portfolio have potential? I've been practicing and studying the craft for the past three years and for the first time, I feel like I'm starting to put together a serious body of work that would be presentable to newspapers and photo editors. What does the the photo forum community think? I...
  5. L

    Looking for photographs related to depression for documentary

    Hi there! Not sure if this is the right subforum... We are currently in our post production fase for our short documentary on depression. This documentary exist out of voice over monologues of depressed people and found footage imagery. We are looking for photo's/portrets that make a...
  6. T

    The importance of documenting life

    I've been playing around with cameras since I was about 15 years old when I picked up my dad's old Pentax ME Super (not realizing how amazing it actually was until it was stolen from my home in my late 20s). I'm 36 now. I didn't start taking photography seriously until I was about 27. Very...