
  1. dstreetphoto

    Steam over the Pembroke River

    Another from my series featuring Pembroke Power Station and Refinery. One of the reasons I keep coming back to this location is that no two days are the same. On this occasion, the conditions were clear and bright with a plume of steam billowing from Pembroke Power stations cooling towers. By...
  2. dstreetphoto

    Cold Winter Morning

    This is part of a series documenting Pembroke Power Station and Refinery captured from the shoreline of the Pembroke River. I have been working on this project for a good few years now and during that time I have captured many images at sunrise, sunset and during the day. I captured this photo...
  3. Superka

    Moscow cityscapes. Spring 2016 cloudy day. Industrial neighborhood.

    All the shots are stitched digital panoramas, made with Nodal Ninja 5, Canon 60D, Helios-44.