
  1. Squirrel Eating A Mushroom

    Squirrel Eating A Mushroom

    This was as a thunderstorm was passing and it was almost over, this squirrel found a tasty mushroom on his way to the bird feeder.
  2. M

    First Micro Lens

    Just got this new lens and would like some feed back on my first Micro Picture. Instagram post by Mark H • Oct 27, 2018 at 1:51am UTC
  3. nerwin

    It's a Mushroom

    I was mowing the lawn when I saw these mushrooms just chilling out and so I stopped mowing, ran inside and grabbed my camera and took this shot! You just never know when a photo opportunity is going to happen. I guess we always have to be prepared haha. Then...well...the mushrooms went bye bye...