
  1. D7K

    Lightning over Warsaw

    This is the first time I'd actually attempted to capture lightning and I was pleased with the results, the only thing is I wished my balcony and the lightning were over some other part of the city, you can't win them all.. All shot on the D850 with the 24-70 2.8, All 3 have different shutter...
  2. michakac

    Dark Fairy Tale

    Hello again Here are some photos from my latest photoshoot with Agnieszka Nowakowska: 1: 2: 3: 4: And extra one: Mostly I used sigma 35/1.4 and pentacon 50/1.8 - maybe samyang 85/1.4 also - I was too lazy to change the manual lens exif in my d700 so it's inappropriate in some of them. I...
  3. N

    In Polish Mountains.

    Trying some new things
  4. N

    My friends.

    My friends during fireshow :). 1. 2.
  5. Kacper111

    Macro world is HUGE :)

    Some of my macro works :) 1. Grass snake 2. Princess :) 3. Webmaster 4. Sleeping dragon
  6. Kacper111

    Some wildlife from Poland :)

    Here are some of my shoots from Europe (Poland) :) 1. Jay 2. Dipper 3. Blue tit 4. Tree sparrow Tell me if you want more images like those :)