tamron 70-200 2.8 vc

  1. N

    **** RESOLVED ISSUE- CAMERA LENS NOT COMPATABLE **Newbie issue Nikon D3200 and Tamron lens

    Greetings all, Sorry for the newbie question. I have a Nikon D3200 I purchased a Tamron AF LD 70-300mm 1:4-5.6 Tele-Macro (1:3.8) Lens Model 3720 which is about 1996 I set the dial to f22 and turn on the camera and i get the info pop-warning to " Lock Lens aperture ring at minimum aperture...
  2. Dylanfanphoto

    Tamron 70-200 2.8 VC Nikon F

    I am selling my basically new Tamron 70-200 2.8 VC Nikon F mount which I purchased back in late July with my Nikon D7200. I recently sold my Nikon D7200 and am looking to sell this lens off as well. I ended up using the kit 18-55 more since 70-200 was too long of a range for most types of...